
Are you tired of polarized world of social media?

Exhausted from reading article after depressing article?

Depressed from spending too much time scrolling ?

Frustrated with misinformation?

Me. Too.

How do we focus on ourselves when we are living in a chaotic political landscape with a turbulent economy and rampant social inequality? We are being bombarded with media, facts are either hard to identify or ignored, and our planet is becoming less and less hospitable for humans. 

So what’s the solution?

I wish I knew. But here are some suggestions:

First of all, do your own research. FACT CHECK YOURSELF. I try to refrain from posting news articles online unless I have corroborated the story with other sources. 

Also if you are passionate about an issue, call your congressperson! If anything it can’t hurt.

Make sure you are communicating with humans face to face sometimes. Not just hiding behind a computer screen. You are more likely to have worthwhile discussions if you are forced to acknowledge someone’s humanity in front of you instead of yelling at a photo of a sunset representing someone’s facebook profile (SHUT UP LINDA!). Spending too much time on social media has also been linked to depression and anxiety, both of which seem to plague my generation (in addition to the literal measles, go get vaccinated!) So spend time outside and talk to people when you can. Create a physical community.

Most importantly, take time for yourself! Unplug. Spend time on your hobbies. Read, write, and make art. Exercise. Learn something new and spend some time with your family. 

We are living in a polarized world. We have more information available to us than ever before yet there is still so much conflict and misinformation. Doing our research, exercising our rights as (U.S.) citizens, and treating others with kindness can help us be more informed and helpful humans.

Lastly, being kind does not mean being complacent! Speak up for the rights of others. Use your privilege to help the less-privileged. ADVOCATE FOR OUR PLANET! Don’t forget that there is a lot to fight for and a lot fight against that will directly impact our generation and future generations. 

I am trying to be better about staying informed and making a difference. I know that wallowing in misery is counter-productive (because it is so easy). I am working on making a conscious effort to be more present and positive amid the chaos. Social media is a necessary tool for me so I can’t just go off the grid. Organizing my thoughts through writing and sharing them with my community is a good exercise to get think more constructively and positively.

Do you have anything to add to this conversation? What am I missing? How can we do better? There is no quick fix for the world’s problems, but the only way we can identify and enact solutions is through discussion and action. Don’t forget that we are all in these systems together!