A New Project

I am starting a project this month! I am looking to boost my creative and communication skills and have a solid product to show for my efforts. I want to get better at storytelling and shipping content.

To achieve these goals, I have been brainstorming project ideas. I was thinking of developing a product to sell, but I think I need to spend time developing a product before moving on to sales.

I was also thinking about reviewing different books on sales and entrepreneurship and publishing a blog or vlog reviewing them. Or I could blog or vlog about a new kind of software. I just started using Mind Body Online for my teaching job and I am learning and developing some opinions about the interface.

I am most serious about finally diving into podcasting. I have been toying with the idea for a while, but I think it’s about time that I actually commit and produce.

I have had many different ideas for content, including one-on-one interviews with artists and influencers coupled with spontaneous collaborations. This idea is a little complex for just a month-long project however.

Here is my current plan:

Instead of high profile interviews, I am going to start by interviewing as many people a as possible using a question, or short series of a questions, as a common theme for each episode. I am thinking I will average two a podcast, an initial question and a follow up.

The questions will be simple and interesting to me. Some of them will coincide with my areas of expertise (music, art, food, language, history) but I will not put any limits on the content.

Here are some examples of questions I am thinking of using:

How do you listen to music? 

What makes music good?

What music can you not stand?

Do you enjoy art? Why or why not?

What is the best way to contribute to your community?

What is your concept of justice?

What is your favorite method of communication?

How can we communicate more effectively? How can we find common ground in our politics?

What is your favorite food?

Do you have a favorite food memory?

How do you connect with your family?

What is your favorite tradition?

I will be interviewing anyone and everyone. The form of the broadcast will start with a quick introduction and end with a reflection on the content. We may reach conclusions or we may not, but the important thing is to engage with the greater community about simple concepts that make us human. 

Is this a podcast you would listen to? Do you have any questions you would want to hear about in particular? Let me know in the comments. Stay tuned for more developments.

One thought on “A New Project”

  1. Jed Mahrle says:

    Hey! That podcast idea sounds really interesting, I like how you put it, “engaging about simple topics that make us human”. If you do decide on the podcast I’ll definitely be tuning in!

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