Five Traits I can Improve Upon in the Coming Year

One more New Years reflection post. How can I better myself?

Today I read an article by Dr. Anne Helen Peterson about how burnout is a symptom of millennial culture (on Buzzfeed of all places: 

It struck close to home and caused me to reflect on the burnout that I have experienced because of both my own schedule and mentality, as well as the times we are living in. I am thinking about this article as I am reflecting on the five traits that I most want to gain/enhance/improve in myself:

1.) I want to enhance my determination and focus.

I want to be able to access and channel my energy more effectively. I frequently am full of ideas and am starting new projects before I finish the old ones. I no longer want to leave things unfinished. I am working on meditating more and living a healthier lifestyle so I can live with a clear head and access my energy more consistently.

2.) I want to get better at scheduling and goal setting

This will help with burnout as well as executing my personal and professional ventures. The more specific I am with my goals and the more I choose to write things down and make lists, the easier it is for me to visualize what I need to do and execute my own projects.

3.) I want to expound upon my creativity.

A lot of my education has been focused on being creative (mainly in music and performance). I want to further develop this skill in all aspects of my life so I can be a better problem solver and create more meaningful content. 

4.) I want to improve my ability to balance my life and maintain my health.

This is a big one. When I was nineteen I developed a very serious repetitive stress injury that involved severe tendinitis and back and neck alignment problems. This was a symptom of focusing too much on one thing (playing eight hours of guitar every day) and not taking care of myself enough. I have been in recovery for years and am working on a better equilibrium. I am trying to balance my music training with other types of work, better sleeping habits, and my study of Shaolin Kung Fu and Yang style Tai Chi Chuan. The physical discipline is especially key, helping to combat my chronic pain and allowing my body to function well on a daily basis. 

5.) I want to gain more enjoyment from the little things.

Yet again I am thinking of Dr.Peterson’s article. There are so many wonderful activities to take part in in life and so many menial tasks that are necessary to sustain our adulthood/professional lives (that are consistently on display on the internet). I want to have less of an exhaustive mentality about the checklist of self-sustainment and better be able to enjoy the journey of not only creating and contributing and promoting, but simple self-preservation, organization, and communal connection. 

I will be updating my website and blog much more consistently this year, so feel free to check in on my progress! You can also message me if you have any thoughts or suggestions. 

Be well,
