Individualism is encouraged by screens. The internet is certainly an important resource that has made new forms of increasingly efficient communication possible, but our screens are mostly designed to operate for a single user. No need to ask for directions when we can just google them ourselves. And we can read reviews instead of asking people what their opinions are in person. But studies show that people remember you better if you interact with them face-to-face. Nonverbal cues exhibited in … Continue reading “Thoughts On Networking: Get Out There And Talk To People”
24 things i have learned in my 24 years of life
Yesterday was my 24th birthday. I have been taking some time to reflect about some of the important things I have learned during my life so far. Here are 24 life lessons in no particular order: Good food and good company will always bring joy. Calling your parents regularly will keep all of you sane. Always wear a smile when meeting new people. There are always connections to be made. Keep technology away from the dinner table, it’s precious face … Continue reading “24 things i have learned in my 24 years of life”
Kung Fu is Every Day
Saturday mornings are my time. I get out of bed at 8:00 am and douse my body with water. First hot, then cold. I brush my teeth, change into my training uniform, eat some dried fruit and nuts and I am out the door. From there I am off to Cambridge for three hours of kung fu and tai chi. Because of a severe performance-related repetitive stress injury I sustained in 2015, I have been dealing with chronic pain, stiffness, … Continue reading “Kung Fu is Every Day”
Writing Month
Hello world! This month I am going to be writing daily blog posts. I am going to focus on sharing content that excites me and has an educational focus. There will probably be some introspective moments too. I want to become a resource for performers, arts educators, arts administrators, arts consumers and hobbyists, and anyone else who wants to learn and engage. Here’s what I have been thinking about today: Recently I have been working as a guitar educator at … Continue reading “Writing Month”
Podcast Project Update!
If you have been following my online presence at all lately you will have noticed a lot of new activity on my website! Here is a run down of what I have been up to and what is to come: What I did: This month I launched a survey for a new podcast project. The project is designed to be an open conversation about how communities interact with the arts. Why I did it: I want to reach out and … Continue reading “Podcast Project Update!”