Individualism is encouraged by screens. The internet is certainly an important resource that has made new forms of increasingly efficient communication possible, but our screens are mostly designed to operate for a single user. No need to ask for directions when we can just google them ourselves. And we can read reviews instead of asking people what their opinions are in person. But studies show that people remember you better if you interact with them face-to-face. Nonverbal cues exhibited in … Continue reading “Thoughts On Networking: Get Out There And Talk To People”
Should Everyone Take Guitar Lessons?
There is much to be said for them. They are a prudent purchase. They will enhance your lifestyle. And we feel better when we live better. A great many people want to learn a new skill. Guitars are bought and sold every day with the purpose of learning to play them. The most efficient way to learn is by paying for guitar lessons. What makes guitar lessons such a great investment? Consider these facts: Develop an expertise. Learn to learn. … Continue reading “Should Everyone Take Guitar Lessons?”
Why All Creators Should Practice Improvisation
Improvisation can be an intimidating word. How can you create something from nothing? Like anything, all it takes is some practice. I recently read an article on The Bulletproof Musician blog entitled Why Improvisation Should Be Part of Every Young Musician’s Training. I couldn’t agree more. The article details a scientific study where they analyzed the differences in brain activity when musicians play memorized passages compared to when they improvise. The results found that “a region of the top front … Continue reading “Why All Creators Should Practice Improvisation”
All Journeys Have to Start Somewhere
Is there something in your life that you have always wanted to try but haven’t had the chance too? There is still time! Starting something new is a challenge and can be intimidating, but learning can happen at any age. I was inspired today by two new guitar students. A father and son. The father bought a guitar a decade ago but never really had the time to learn. He recently dusted it off, determined to start again. His love … Continue reading “All Journeys Have to Start Somewhere”
Writing Month
Hello world! This month I am going to be writing daily blog posts. I am going to focus on sharing content that excites me and has an educational focus. There will probably be some introspective moments too. I want to become a resource for performers, arts educators, arts administrators, arts consumers and hobbyists, and anyone else who wants to learn and engage. Here’s what I have been thinking about today: Recently I have been working as a guitar educator at … Continue reading “Writing Month”