Individualism is encouraged by screens. The internet is certainly an important resource that has made new forms of increasingly efficient communication possible, but our screens are mostly designed to operate for a single user. No need to ask for directions when we can just google them ourselves. And we can read reviews instead of asking people what their opinions are in person. But studies show that people remember you better if you interact with them face-to-face. Nonverbal cues exhibited in … Continue reading “Thoughts On Networking: Get Out There And Talk To People”
Time and Effort
How do you beat writer’s block? Do you take a walk? Do you make some tea? Do you phone a friend? Do you clasp your hands together, put them behind your head, and let out a frustrated sigh as you lean back into your chair, feeling completely dull and stonewalled both by infinite possibilities and personal limitations? I may be having this problem right now. Maybe you are too. A good solution is to free-write in the mornings! This can … Continue reading “Time and Effort”
My Top Three Skills: A Personal Reflection
And it’s 2019 already. Not sure how that happened. The new year is always an opportunity for self-reflection and goal-creation. What have I accomplished? What do I want to accomplish? What areas of my life do I need to improve? What skills to I already have that I can expound upon? I would of course like to think that I possess many skills that will help me in life, but it is certainly another task to identify and explain any … Continue reading “My Top Three Skills: A Personal Reflection”