Writing Month

Hello world! This month I am going to be writing daily blog posts. I am going to focus on sharing content that excites me and has an educational focus. There will probably be some introspective moments too. I want to become a resource for performers, arts educators, arts administrators, arts consumers and hobbyists, and anyone else who wants to learn and engage.

Here’s what I have been thinking about today:

Recently I have been working as a guitar educator at the Real School of Music in Andover, MA. I have really been enjoying getting to teach again. Occasionally you get a student who doesn’t want to engage, but I have been lucky to have some kids who are excited about learning!

When I teach music I try to emphasize conscientious playing. I had a new student today who came in with some experience playing chords and accompanying himself while he sings (which is a wonderful skill), but his previous teachers had never taught him any music theory. I used the G major pentatonic (five-note) scale to give him a basic understanding of octaves, intervals, and triads. He was so excited to begin to understand WHY he was moving his fingers in these particular patterns.

“That is so cool!” he told me.

It is that ‘AHA!’ moment that I live for in the learning process. It is the feeling that I want to inspire when I share and teach.

The goal for this month is to make posts that inspire ‘AHA!’ moments.